kube-apiserver --help

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kube-apiserver --help
testuser@localhost:~$ docker run --rm registry.k8s.io/kube-apiserver:v1.17.0 kube-apiserver --help | head -12
The Kubernetes API server validates and configures data
for the api objects which include pods, services, replicationcontrollers, and
others. The API Server services REST operations and provides the frontend to the
cluster's shared state through which all other components interact.

  kube-apiserver [flags]

Generic flags:

      --advertise-address ip                         The IP address on which to advertise the apiserver to members of the cluster. This address must be reachable by the rest of the cluster. If blank, the --bind-address will be used. If --bind-address is unspecified, the host's default interface will be used.
      --cloud-provider-gce-l7lb-src-cidrs cidrs      CIDRs opened in GCE firewall for L7 LB traffic proxy & health checks (default,
write /dev/stdout: broken pipe

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