/etc/httpd/conf.d/proxy ajp.conf

Jmnote (토론 | 기여)님의 2014년 6월 8일 (일) 01:41 판

1 개요

  • CentOS 6에는 없더라.

2 내용 (CentOS 5)

LoadModule proxy_ajp_module modules/mod_proxy_ajp.so

# When loaded, the mod_proxy_ajp module adds support for
# proxying to an AJP/1.3 backend server (such as Tomcat).
# To proxy to an AJP backend, use the "ajp://" URI scheme;
# Tomcat is configured to listen on port 8009 for AJP requests
# by default.

# Uncomment the following lines to serve the ROOT webapp
# under the /tomcat/ location, and the jsp-examples webapp
# under the /examples/ location.
#ProxyPass /tomcat/ ajp://localhost:8009/
#ProxyPass /examples/ ajp://localhost:8009/jsp-examples/

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