
1 개요[ | ]


2 2022-03[ | ]

 * This file allows us to modify the default webpack configuration when
 * building the Cloud Shell Editor. The default configruration is generated by
 * the Application Manager:
 * https://github.com/eclipse-theia/theia/blob/master/dev-packages/application-manager/src/generator/webpack-generator.ts#L50
// @ts-check
const path = require('path');
const config = require('./gen-webpack.config.js');
const CompressionPlugin = require('compression-webpack-plugin')

// Explicitly exclude the public path as we modify src locations in our build
// pipeline which is transparent to Theia.
config.output.publicPath = '';

const mode = config.mode;
const development = mode === 'development';

// Additional config for the auth service worker
const authConfig = {
  entry: path.resolve(__dirname,
  output: {
    filename: 'auth-service-worker.js',
    path: path.resolve(__dirname, 'lib'),
  plugins: [
    new CompressionPlugin({}),
  target: 'web',

module.exports = [config, authConfig];

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