k0s install

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k0s install
# k0s install
Install k0s on a brand-new system. Must be run as root (or with sudo)

  k0s install [command]

Available Commands:
  controller  Install k0s controller on a brand-new system. Must be run as root (or with sudo)
  worker      Install k0s worker on a brand-new system. Must be run as root (or with sudo)

      --data-dir string        Data Directory for k0s (default: /var/lib/k0s). DO NOT CHANGE for an existing setup, things will break!
  -d, --debug                  Debug logging (default: false)
      --debugListenOn string   Http listenOn for Debug pprof handler (default ":6060")
  -e, --env stringArray        set environment variable
      --force                  force init script creation
  -h, --help                   help for install
      --status-socket string   Full file path to the socket file. (default: <rundir>/status.sock)
  -v, --verbose                Verbose logging (default: false)

Use "k0s install [command] --help" for more information about a command.

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